Time to take


We must act NOW to prevent a catastrophic poverty pandemic resulting from lost income due to COVID-19.



for BOLDNESS, and for those suffering from poverty caused by COVID-19 shutdowns.


with radical generosity of your time, talent, money, and resources.


low-income people in your home, business, and community.

Acts 4:29

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”

Prayer humbles us and expresses our dependence on God.

Pray for boldness to live out your calling to serve the poor in your community.

Pray for opportunities to invite your friends to serve.


for BOLDNESS, and for those suffering from poverty caused by COVID-19 shutdowns.


with radical generosity of your time, talent, money, and resources.

Acts 4:32

“No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

Give to erase debt by contributing directly through PovertyPandemic.org.

Give of your time and talents to serve those in the community who need it most.

Give specifically requested essential and specialty items to neighbors in need, churches, and local charities. In addition consider donating educational materials to local schools, students and teachers.

(United Against the Poverty Pandemic is not taking any item donations, please contact your local charities for a list of how you can help them.)

Acts 4:33-34

“And God’s grace was so powerfully at work…there were no needy persons among them.”

Employ others or partner with local employment programs to help individuals obtain much-needed income with dignity.

Employ or increase work hours for a personal house cleaner, “handyman,” nanny, cook, painter, gardener, etc. 

Employ generously by shopping and dining local, double- or even triple-tipping when possible.


low-income people in your home, business, and community.

How You Can Employ

low-income people in your home, business, and community.