Brett Bymaster: Founder, United Against the Poverty Pandemic

Brett Bymaster

Brett Bymaster serves as the Executive Director of the United Against the Poverty Pandemic initiative. Read more on our blog. Brett and his wife, Dr. Angela Bymaster, M.D. are the founders of Healing Grove Health Center.  Learn more about Brett at

What Leaders Are Saying

I’m honored to join this grassroots effort to combat the Poverty
Pandemic, and am grateful to the community leaders who have taken
up the most urgent fight of our generation. This is a ‘Where were you?’
moment in our nation’s history—please join us!
The pandemic is having its most severe impact on our lowest-income and most vulnerable neighbors, and the tens of thousands of families who were just scraping by before the pandemic hit now find themselves in financial crisis. We must come together to help ensure that our economic recovery includes our entire community.
Loving our neighbors is an integral value of our church and our
discipleship here at WestGate Church. Now is a critical time to bring
faith leaders, government, employers, and nonprofits to work together to love our neighbors. The United Against the Poverty Pandemic campaign is a platform to do just that.
In times like this, it’s imperative to unite faith leaders, government, and employers to fight the Poverty Pandemic. Each one brings something unique to the equation; together, we have a powerful synergy that can take on and take down this giant.
The complexities around solving poverty, hunger, and homelessness needs key partners, volunteers, and community supporters united together to make a more lasting difference right here in our own community. Facing the Poverty Pandemic head-on through compassionate service, innovative generosity, and wide-ranging collaboration creates such a tangible expression of how each of us can share God’s redemptive and unconditional love with our neighbors in need.
COVID-19 has impacted every member of our community, but low-wage workers, people of color, and our most vulnerable residents have shouldered a disproportionate share of both the health and economic burdens. We are all called upon to work together in our spheres, allowing government, business, faith leaders, and neighbors to support each other through this crisis and build a stronger future.
The government cannot solve the problem of poverty on its own. Faith communities, businesses, non-profits, and government united together in compassion can be more effective at providing the hand-up that our most vulnerable residents need.
It’s exciting to see our community coming together to fight the Poverty Pandemic. Long before COVID-19 we were faced with growing income inequality, and the pandemic has only exacerbated those impacts. Focusing and working together is the only way we can win this fight.
Both COVID-19 and the economic devastation have hit low-income communities of color the hardest—these are also our essential workers putting their lives on the line. The United Against the Poverty Pandemic campaign includes faith leaders, government officials, employers, and residents who can make the difference in helping hard-working people face this unprecedented crisis in our communities.


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