The Need

Because of the COVID-19 shutdowns, thousands of families are at risk of homelessness due to job loss and unpaid rent. We believe this problem can only be solved if we unite and fight poverty as a community.

Santa Clara County Statistics

3 3
households have unpaid rent debt.
1 1
households at risk of homelessness.
$ 1 M
total rent debt from COVID-19.

What The Data Shows

Key Findings

The threat of the viral pandemic looms large, appropriately demanding an enormous response to protect the health and safety of our community. But in the process, we’ve lost track of the profound impact of the Poverty Pandemic.

  • Fields that employed low-income people experienced very significant employment losses starting in April.
  • Jobs that employed wealthy professionals have seen minimal job losses throughout the pandemic.
  • 58,000 families in Santa Clara County made just $15,000 to $35,000 before the shutdowns, paying an average rent of $18,000.
  • Extremely Low Income (ELI) families made just $220 per month on average in April and May and only $950 per month in August and September.
  • 36,200 ELI households in Santa Clara County have a rent debt they can’t repay due to COVID-19 shutdowns. That number includes 63,000 children and 133,000 individuals in total.
  • 14,600 households in Santa Clara County are at imminent risk of homelessness when the eviction moratorium expires in 2021 because of an inability to pay rent.
  • The total rent debt of ELI households due to COVID-19 shutdowns exceeds $117 million.
  • There is hope! By banding together in love, we can support families stuck in poverty and prevent mass displacement!
  • If the 160,000 households in Santa Clara County that make more than $200,000 per year gave just $730, we could erase the $117 million rent debt of ELI families.